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Weight Loss for Food-Lovers

Aug 27, 2020

How joyful is to overindulge in eating? What if you could include your favorite foods on a plan for weight loss, and learn how to enjoy them more, in a moderate portion? Join me today as I describe how to do just...

Aug 20, 2020

Do you ever overeat because you think it will make you feel better? Or that an experience will be enhanced with more food, alcohol, and all the pleasure possible? Listen to hear more about the myth of FOMO, and how it can really sabotage our weight...

Aug 13, 2020

What do you believe about your ability to lose weight? Your thoughts about yourself and food are the key to changing your habit of overeating. Anyone can follow a diet and get physical weight off, but changing your mind is how those results...

Aug 6, 2020

Losing weight can trigger a lot of blame and shame if we are not careful. Today I look at what causes these two things to come up, what role they play in reaching a weight loss goal, and how to empower yourself...